Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Perry Rader 10 MIn to TOTAL FITNESS with a BARBELL

Greetings All!

Years ago the original editor of Ironman magazine (Perry Rader, a rabid weight lifting enthusiast )noticed that is was difficult- if not just down right IMPOSSIBLE -to get the average guy on a weight lifting program.

What seemed to be happening was that unless someone was interested in developing a Mr. America body they tended to not lift weights, or worst yet not work out at all.

In Rader's mind ( note : Jack Savage definitely disagrees with this ) barbell and weight training is the ultimate exercise. Tho there are many applications to barbell training that even "trainers" miss, in Rader's later years even he "saw the light " to a degree and often recommended other types of training other than weight lifting.
Due to the fact that even many SAVAGE Students have been influenced into thinking that they absolutely MUST include weights in their fitness program I will resurrect one of Raders' more innovative barbell systems - as well as make some SAVAGE improvements as well.

In order to attract the average joe to physical training and weight training, Rader devised a program that would take only 10 min 2- 3 times a week on non-consecutive days.
This program consists of just 2 exercises and works most fitness components all together- esp strength and even cardio.

Here it is:
You do just ONE set of squats and ONE set of clean and presses. You do 10 reps with 3 deep breaths between each rep.

These two exercises work just about every muscle in the body for strength- to one extent or another- as well as gets you breathing heavy for endurance and cardio benefits.
Next time I will give you SAVAGE TWISTS to make the RADER QUICK BARBELL SOLUTION even better!

Your Friend and Trainer,
Jack Savage

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